If you keep confidential or personal information about clients or transactions on a work computer or in the cloud, consider taking these steps to make sure those files stay secure.
Add Contact Information to Existing Accounts
If there is sensitive data in your cloud storage accounts or email, make sure those accounts have information such as your phone number, birthdate, security question, or alternate email address. These extra pieces of information will make it more likely you’re alerted to an attempted breach and easier for you to verify your identity should you lose access to the account.
Opt for Encryption
Encryption is the process of converting information that anyone can read into data that can only be decrypted and read with the use of a secret key. Should you lose a device with encrypted files on it, the thieves would not be able to read your files. Cloud storage apps on mobile devices allow you to enable encryption. Software can be used to encrypt the hard drive of your computer. And there are cloud storage services that cater specifically to clients who need a high level of security and encryption.
Use Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication means that using a password isn’t enough to access an account; you’re also required to submit a code, often sent to your cell phone. Turning on two-factor authentication for accounts like email and social media profiles is common and obvious advice. But as recently as 2018, it was reported that over 90% of Gmail users still had not enabled this security feature. Being mindful about the security of the data entrusted to you by your clients makes enabling two-factor authentication on all your accounts a no-brainer.
If we need to add encryption then please add a class that tells me how to do that. Specifically how. Not just hey you should add encryption.