Despite many challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, your state association accomplished a great deal—and even set new records—in 2021 while advocating for REALTORS® and fighting for private property rights. Here are the numbers behind those efforts:
- $5,843,601 TREPAC raised (an all-time high)
- 44% of Texas REALTORS®—58,841 members—invested in TREPAC
- 3,224 bills and resolutions followed during the 87th Texas Legislature (regular session and three special sessions)
- 12,500+ messages sent to Texas House of Representatives to support HOA reform
- 533 Texas REALTORS® serving on Legislative Contact Teams
- 181 online meetings over four weeks during first-ever virtual REALTOR® Day at the Texas Capitol
- 1,230+ interactions between Legislative Contact Team members and Texas legislators
- 81% of REALTOR®-supported local candidates won or moved to runoff in May 2021 election
- 72,211 page views on property tax education campaign website
- 47 bills supported by Texas REALTORS® were signed into law
- 18 million+ impressions for You Deserve to Know digital ads
- 100% of bills opposed by Texas REALTORS® failed to pass